
Showing posts from 2017

Cebu International Academy - Mantoman class -

We have three man to man classes. First is listening and speaking skills or what we call LASS LASS is designed to improve learners' communication skill and develop fluency of meaning, at the same time, learners can practice accuracy of word form. Our learners can develop listening, reading and speaking skills through various topics. Another man to man class is WAGS which covers words and grammar. This class is designed to learn of words so that students can study the basis of using accurate language. It helps our students develop grammar and reading skills through various topics.  Part of this classes is our library reading program. It is designed to let our students read other educational resources aside from their LASS and WAGS textbooks.

29th speech contest - Eva(Chinese student)

This is our lovely Chinese students, Eva's speech contest. She talks about  'What she want to be in the future'.

29th speech contest - Daisy(Korean student)

This is our lovely Korean students, Daisy's speech contest. She talks about  'What she want to be in the future'.

29th speech contest - Karin(Japanese student)

This is our lovely VIetnamese students, Alex's speech contest. She talks about 'Herself'.

29th speech contest - Alex(Vietnamese student)

This is our lovely VIetnamese students, Alex's speech contest. He talks about 'How education affect humanity'.

CIA Enlglish camp_Safety system

Safety is the most important thing in CIA I n CIA, your safety is our number one priority. Security guards are on duty 24 hours a day. They will ensure the safety of the students inside Crown Regency Suites.  Guardian teachers are hardworking, responsible and approachable. They help the students to prepare themselves everyday and guide them in every activities. We have our nurses on duty during day and night time. Day nurse is responsible for the personal hygiene of the students .They provide first aid if the student is sick or assist the students if they need to see a doctor. Nurse on duty at night is accountable for checking the  number of students in their room if it they are complete and inspect the rooms for the students to have a safe and comfortable sleep. The nurse station has enough medicines and camp nurses have sufficient knowledge in taking care the health of the students. Students are being taught about the safety precautions on what to do when there ...

CIA Enlglish camp_Students' daily life

Challenges are what make life interesting, overcoming them is what makes life meaningful. This is CIA camp's daily video. Frank had joined our camp 4th times so he introduced #CIAcamp to other friends. Let's see together his one day in CIA camp!

24th August 2017

T oday, our lovely students started their last day with last morning exercise. They talked time with their teachers and took pictures. After lunch they went to massage shop for relaxing their body.

23rd August 2017_Dr.Fish

T oday, students started their day energetically with Morning exercise. Students then normally participated in their English classes but this day is until 4th period only. They went to Dr. Fish as their last activity here in Camp. After the activity, the students returned to Crown Regency and finished their day with a diary. :)